Pattern Analysis of Drug Procurement System With FP-Growth Algorithm


  • Zulham Zulham Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Dharmawangsa University, Medan, Indonesia
  • Ega Evinda Putri Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Dharmawangsa University, Medan, Indonesia
  • Buyung Solihin Hasugian Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Dharmawangsa University, Medan, Indonesia



Data Mining, Association Rule, FP-Growth, Algorithm


The Medan Marelan Health Center is one of the health centers in the city of Medan. The supply of medicines is considered necessary so that these medicines can still be available at any time with various types and functions. In order not to experience difficulties in distributing medicines and anticipating the supply of medicines in the Puskesmas, research was carried out using the Data Mining method. In this study, a test will be carried out on the Association Rule which is used as a solution to problems with the pattern of the drug procurement system, and will display information about the value of support and confidence from each Data Mining process. Tests in this study using Weka Software to determine the procurement of drugs that are often needed. Information obtained from the stages of the FP-Growth Algorithm is to produce patterns in the procurement of medicines, and an itemset combination pattern has been formed using the FP-Growth Algorithm method so that the results of this study can be used in drug supply effectively and efficiently.


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